[Phpwm] Potential Short-Term Contract for Developer Experienced with Magento.

Martin Meredith martin.meredith at mobilefun.co.uk
Wed Mar 31 09:19:54 UTC 2010

Good Morning all,

I'm sending out this email just to test the waters with regards to a
contract position with Mobile Fun.

In the near future, we are looking to launch a new site.  We are researching
the possibility of having someone work on this "in house" for 2/3 days a

So, is anyone out there (preferably with Magento experience) interested in
possibly doing this? Contract term would probably be  2-3 months.

Please note, this is just testing the waters to see if doing it this way is
viable.  There isn't a vacancy as of yet.

Martin "Mez" Meredith
Deputy IT Manager
Mobile Fun Limited

0844 249 5072
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