[Phpwm] Next Meeting: April 6th, "Subversion in a distributed world" - Lorna Jane Mitchell

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Fri Mar 26 13:55:36 UTC 2010


Lorna's giving the next talk - "Subversion in a distributed world"

Date: 6th April 2010
Location: Holiday Inn Express (Lionel Street, Birmingham)
Time: 19:30.

Feeling left behind because you still use subversion? In a world where 
everyone seems to be shouting “git!”, this session makes the case for 
continued use of traditional source control in organisations. With a 
hype-free analysis of the features in the various distributed version 
control systems and a look at the tools currently available, we’ll also 
look at how both traditional and distributed solutions meet the business 
requirements of today and talk about how we can take advantage of them 
within our existing development setups. Finally, we’ll look at what 
might influence our decision to move commercial infrastructure away from 
the traditional subversion repository towards distributed solutions, or not.

See also http://phpwm.org, the Facebook group (which has an event 
created) and the PHP.net calendar.


David Goodwin

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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