[Phpwm] Bug tracking systems

Alex Willmer alex at moreati.org.uk
Wed Sep 22 12:37:22 UTC 2010

On 9 September 2010 12:57, Tess Barnes <tess.barnes at gmail.com> wrote:
> We have recently moved our large team (20+ staff) onto Trac from TeamTrack
> and have found it very hard to work with. It seems to suffer from the 'all
> things to all people' approach so would warrant real care and attention in
> setting up your workflow and permissions groups / tasks.

Apologies if too off topic. I'm working on a Trac Plugin to allow
items to be moved, deleted, created or uploaded to the Subversion
repository from within the web browser. It's mostly functional, but
consider it alpha.


Regards, Alex
Alex Willmer <alex at moreati.org.uk>
http://moreati.org.uk/blog http://twitter.com/moreati

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