[Phpwm] FW: A Drupal website for us

Jujhar Singh jujhar at medilinkwm.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 11:47:40 UTC 2011

Guys, here's more of a spec for you if you're interested in our Drupal project.  I don't envision much development work.  It's mostly dressing up the site and hand holding our marketing department while they populate it.

If you could please respond to this email to acknowledged that you've received it.
We just spoke briefly regarding a Drupal project that we're looking at.  My team doesn't have the capacity to do it at the moment so we're looking for a partner to help us deliver.

Some details for you:

*         You will be working closely with the marketing team and specifically the marketing Director : Michelle at medilinkwm.co.uk<mailto:Michelle at medilinkwm.co.uk>

*         The site is going to be multi language, so if you could implement the internationalisation modules (based on url part not domain name i.e. http://foo.com/es/index)

*         It's a member based site and most of the site content will be behind a login, the guest access will be there to sell the benefits of membership.

*         You may have to supply some Drupal training for our marketing team.

*         I don't envisage any custom modules for Drupal (at this stage)

*         We want the front end in HTML5 (as much as is possible, without sacrificing the deadline)

*         Please keep the page and asset size down, we'll expect the site to be optimised for speed

*         Feel free to host the website during development but we'll host it on our own network and CDN once it's finished

*         Please follow best practice for onsite SEO, we have an SEO partner and will be tasking them with most of the SEO

*         We will implement the analytics for the site

*         The site needs to be delivered for the 21st of September

Unfortunately I'm on annual leave until the 1st of July.  If you could direct your response to Michelle Dalton and she'll field your questions.  I'll brief my chief developer Hardiarl at medilinkwm.co.uk<mailto:Hardiarl at medilinkwm.co.uk> to try and respond to any technical queries while I'm away.  Send me an email anyway and I'll try to respond while I'm out when I get a chance.
Thanks in advance, looking forward to working with you.


Jujhar Singh
IT Manager
Medilink West Midlands
4 Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BE
0121 452 5630

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