[Phpwm] Load/Stress Testing

Andrew Bate andrew at astilla.co.uk
Tue Jun 28 11:23:50 UTC 2011

We've been using BrowserMob <http://browsermob.com/>, can get  
expensive but for a couple of runs to get a feel for load it's very  
good.  Especially useful for real browser testing of AJAX-rich sites  
where you want to similate a real environment.  Shows graphs of  
transactional throughput, failures etc etc.  Can have a ramp-up period  
for 'x' minutes and then then constant load of 'y' users' for 'z'  

As our app currently runs in EC2 we also have a cloned staging  
environment in EC2.  Live and staging on identical EC2 setups and  
config but load testing against staging to avoid hitting the live site.


> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Pete Graham <petegraham1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anybody had experience using http://loadimpact.com/ for
> load/stress testing before? I've got a hosting company suggesting we
> should use it for a current project. Personally I only have experience
> using Apache Bench.
> Also the hosting company want to load test on vHost on the live
> server. The site is already live and load testing on the same server
> as the live site seems like a bad idea to me. I'd be interested
> hearing other peoples opinions and any tips/techniques on load
> testing.
> Thanks,
> Pete

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