[Phpwm] Load/Stress Testing

Pete Graham petegraham1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 11:38:18 UTC 2011


Thanks for all your replies.

I'd had BrowserMob recommended to me as some of the sites I need to
load/stress test have heavily Flash based front-ends. With other
solutions I was having to manually modify my code so the AMF
webservices the flash calls could also be called directly by url (to
simulate how the user interacts with the site).

Also the cloned EC2 set-up is what I've recommended for one of my
current projects.


On 28 June 2011 12:09, Andrew Bate <andrew at astilla.co.uk> wrote:
> We've been using BrowserMob <http://browsermob.com/>, can get expensive but
> for a couple of runs to get a feel for load it's very good.  Especially
> useful for real browser testing of AJAX-rich sites where you want to
> similate a real environment.  Shows graphs of transactional throughput,
> failures etc etc.  Can have a ramp-up period for 'x' minutes and then then
> constant load of 'y' users' for 'z' minutes...
> As our app currently runs in EC2 we also have a cloned staging environment
> in EC2.  Live and staging on identical EC2 setups and config but load
> testing against staging to avoid hitting the live site.
> Andrew
>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Pete Graham <petegraham1 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Has anybody had experience using http://loadimpact.com/ for
>> load/stress testing before? I've got a hosting company suggesting we
>> should use it for a current project. Personally I only have experience
>> using Apache Bench.
>> Also the hosting company want to load test on vHost on the live
>> server. The site is already live and load testing on the same server
>> as the live site seems like a bad idea to me. I'd be interested
>> hearing other peoples opinions and any tips/techniques on load
>> testing.
>> Thanks,
>> Pete
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