[Phpwm] PHP Developer Job in Worcestershire

Ed Hughes ed at hughesmedia.co.uk
Thu Mar 10 15:21:22 UTC 2011

Hi All,

We are currently looking for a PHP developer at Hughes Media.

Full description is here:


We're LAMP based, PHP5, OOP, and Smarty.

Brief job requirements are:

    * Excellent knowledge of PHP, including PHP 5.
    * Object oriented programming
    * Sound knowledge of HTML/CSS
    * Experience with MySQL
    * Independent problem solving skills
    * Familiarity with web standards
    * Flexibility: we are small company, but we move quickly

If you are interested or know anyone else who might be, please get in touch:

01584 881686
jobs at hughesmedia.co.uk

We're not looking for help with this from any recruitment agencies.


Ed Hughes

We build really good websites
Hughes Media Internet Ltd

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