[Phpwm] CakePHP talk

Carl Sutton dogmatic69 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 23:18:46 UTC 2011

Finally got a spot of time to sort out the stuff, so here is the code
/ live demo for you guys.

Live "slides" / working code - http://talks.dogmatic69.com/phpwm_2011_03/
Git repo to clone and play - https://github.com/dogmatic69/phpwm_2011_03

Some of the example code was ripped from Infinitas, so if you want
more context here is that code too
https://github.com/infinitas/infinitas and a demo is up at
http://demo.infinitas-cms.org/admin (admin/admin) and yes, the
frontend is not done :)

Carl Sutton

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