[Phpwm] Next Meeting? November?

David Goodwin david at palepurple.co.uk
Tue Sep 6 16:00:58 UTC 2011


I was going to do a talk on continuous integration - selenium/phpunit/ant etc for the 12th of September, but I'm not going to have time to organise/prepare it in time.

Our next meeting would then be 11th October - however the 8th of October is PHPNW's conference ... so it might not be worth skipping October too, unless someone has a burning desire to give a talk this month?

Tentatively I'd suggest therefore that our next meeting is November, and it's a lightning session 

I'd be willing to do something on e.g.

 * Introduction to the Slim Framework
 * Analysis of a PHP vulnerability (wordpress mobile detector plugin; where the developers failed etc).


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