[Phpwm] First AWS Meetup in Birmingham

Jujhar Singh jujhar at jujhar.com
Sat May 9 13:01:17 UTC 2015

Hi All,

I hope this email finds you well..
My friend Chris Kranz has setup the first Birmingham based AWS user group.
We've got our first meetup this Tuesday coming if anybody can make it
(sorry about the short notice).

- Tuesday, May 12, 2015
- 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM
- John Peek Room, The British and Midland Institute, 9 Margaret Street. B9

Chris will be giving a talk about the AWS summit that just happened.
I'll be doing a live lab and getting everybody scripting the build of their
AWS servers and dabbling with autoscale and bidding on spot instances - so
bring your laptops and any applications you want to mess with.

We'll also have Ian Massingham from AWS joining us on the day to answer any
questions we may have.


It would be nice to see some of you at this or our future events.

Kind regards.


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