[Phpwm] First AWS Meetup in Birmingham [other groups]

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Mon May 11 10:37:42 UTC 2015

Alex Mace wrote:
> It’s not dead, it’s just resting…

Quite.... in the mean time there's http://twitter.com/phpwm or something.

(As I'm pretty sure I've stated before, if someone does want to 
resurrect the group / take control, they're welcome to -- family / work 
/ other interests have stopped me from doing anything. However I'm not 
sure there's much point ..... in the last few years, there's been a 
number of new groups forming in the West Midlands - e.g.



https://twitter.com/BirminghamIO and https://talk.birmingham.io

etc etc)

I'm keeping an eye on the AWS group, and will try and turn up to some of 
the meetings, as it's certainly a relevant technology to me at the moment.


David Goodwin

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