[Preston] Minutes from the meeting - 30 Oct 2002

John preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Nov 1 23:38:01 2002

I would agree with that, I went to the fair at Preston & Fulwood College
last Sunday and there was a book stall with tons of Linux books on it. I =
there to pick up a cheap box (which I did, an IBM/CYRIX 6x86 PR166 for =A3=
so that I can build a firewall (sad eh? lol). Has anybody tried a firewal=
called ASTARO or something similar by the way? I believe it's supposed to=
enterprise class... Anybody care to comment on that from experience???

----- Original Message -----
From: "bod" <bod@planetquake.com>
To: <preston@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Preston] Minutes from the meeting - 30 Oct 2002

> On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 10:00, Phil Robinson wrote:
> > 5 - New ideas for promoting PLUG
> >
> Print up a bunch of flyers and ask the guys who run the local computer
> fairs if they would leave them on the paying in desk for people to pick
> up, failing that I'm sure one or two of the traders would do it.
> IMO the fairs are the most likely place to find Linux users/possible
> converts because people who are comfortable hacking around inside their
> computers are likely to be more receptive to trying a new OS.
> Paul
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