[Preston] That darn filter

Phil Robinson preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Nov 4 21:42:01 2002


Yes sorry about this, I know that the spam filter is a bit over-active but
we do get about 10-20 spam mails a day.

If you send HTML based emails they will be stopped until I pass them
through, but all plain text mails should go straight through, I'm quite sure
that you can set hotmail to send text e-mails :-)

I will review the settings though and make sure that I change anything that
I think is excessive.


Phil Robinson.

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Edwards
To: Preston LUG
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: [Preston] That darn filter

Am I alone in my frustration at the spam filter which appears to have been
installed at the same time as the list moved away from Majordomo and over to

At first it wouldn't allow me to originate a post without it first going
through the moderator but it would always allow me to respond to posts. At
first I thought it may be due to the fact I use a Hotmail account for all my
general mail and did consider changing my list registration to my ISP
account, but as I don't generally originate that many posts I figured I
could live with the minor inconvenience.

This evening however (Monday 4th November), I responded to 2 posts within 5
minutes of each other and whilst the first one went through OK, the second
generated an automatic message telling me it has been caught by the spam
filter. Has anyone else experienced this?

Perhaps the moderator can relax the settings slightly on the filter and / or
issue clear guidelines to us all in order that we can avoid being caught up
in the filter (and I am fairly certain that this message will be caught).
