[Preston] MySQL

Caroline preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Feb 1 21:17:01 2003

We can use anything, provided it's supported at uni. We've done a fair bit 
of C++, and know some HTML etc. It's just a case of how much easier it 
would be to use a new language to do it, or whether we should stick with 
what we know, even if it would be less efficient or more work.  The focus 
of the assessmet is on the project management.

The .ini file - do you mean to run several files after each other?

I do appreciate the help - thanks.


At 18:23 01/02/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>What language is this to be coded in?  Have you tried looking at an INI
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Caroline" <pooshouse@blueyonder.co.uk>
>To: <preston@mailman.lug.org.uk>
>Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 5:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [Preston] MySQL
> > Hello,
> > Speaking of MySquirrel  oops, MySQL....
> >
> > Please excuse me being slightly off-topic, but I could do with some
> >
> > Very briefly, for part of my degree we need to build a program/system that
> > will display a multiple guess question and allow the student to answer.
> > tutor needs to be able to add, edit, or remove questions to the set at
> > lesuire, and it should display a random selection each time. Additionally,
> > it should be suitable for use on a stand alone PC.
> >
> > I am thinking that the obvious choice to store the questions is a
> > possibly MySQL. Am I also right in thinking that it would be simple
> > to get it to do all the tricks I mentioned?
> >
> > Thanks Everyone,
> >
> > Caroline.
> >
> >
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