[Preston] Red Hat 8.0 USB Problem

Guy Heatley preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 2 20:47:01 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 01 February 2003 12:56 pm, you wrote:

> the reason seems to be that when I do an lspci, it turns out the it's not
> assigning an IRQ to the usb controller!!!
> Anyone know how to fix this???
Compiling your own custom kernel usually eliminates problems like these. I 
had a problem on a laptop where I could not get the computer to assign an irq 
to the pcmcia controller. I had the build a kernel and build in pcmcia 
support (i.e. not as a loadable module).
I would compile the kernel with built in USB support (not modular).

BTW there are TWO uhci support units. I find it best to include both these 
*as* loadable modules. The correct one seems to be loaded if they are both 
present as modules. I have found that having only one present (if it is not 
the prefered one) means you have to manually modprobe the module - it won't 
load automatically. It still works but it is annoying to have to load it 
every time.

Also, shuffling around the irq settings in the bios sometimes helps. Get rid 
of all irq's assigned to 'legacy ISA' if you have not got any ISA cards 
plugged in.
- -- 

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