[Preston] Request to list admin(s)

Matthew Field preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Feb 12 19:28:01 2003

At 16:42 12/02/2003, you wrote:
>Correction, my email stated "am I looking at using a WINDOWS machine" not "I
>am looking at using a WINDOWS machine ..." as what I really wanted to know
>was is it straightforward enough to install an ADSL modem into a linux based
>machine (mine runs IPCOP) and connect to Broadband or would I (reluctantly)
>have to use a windows machine instead? Sorry if any offence was cause, none
>intended ;o)

IPCOP is closely related to Smoothwall and Smoothwall certainly has options 
to connect via a USB adsl modem. What does the IPCOP website say about it?

