[Preston] messing with wine

Jonathan Atkinson preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jan 6 17:32:00 2003

None of the below :-)

First of all, you're not emulating anything :-) Wine simply provides
free implementations of the Windows libraries, that *can* interoperate
with native Windows libraries.

This means that you can use a Windows partition if you want, but it's
not necessary. When you set up your Wine options (using
/usr/bin/winesetup or editing your .winerc), you can specify to use an
existing Windows installation, in which case Wine will use some native
libraries from your Windows partition. This usually results in higher
compatibility, but bear in mind you're no longer using free software,
and essentially supporting Microsoft.

Alternatively, when you setup Wine, you can opt to use their entirely
free Windows implementation. This generally results in a less stable
system, because you're not using native DLLs, but you're free from the
MS-tax of actually having to buy a copy of Windows.

As this point, I should probably recommend Transgaming WineX, a free
Wine implementation geared towards playing DirectX games in Linux. I
use it for a few games, but also mainly for applications, because I
think Transgaming has pretty much the best Wine distribution out there.
It's easy to install, very full featured, and supports (legally) the
copy-protection usually found in applications that use InstallShield. I
recommend it, it costs very little and is an excellent product.


 --- Steve Taylor <steve@ramsbottom.net> wrote: > 
> > On Monday 06 Jan 2003 12:35 am, Jonathan Atkinson wrote:
> > So as I'm running Win XP does that mean "no go" as far as emulation
> is 
> > concerned?
> > Are there other emulators that do support XP?
> VMWare? www.vmware.com
> Steve
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