[Preston] Some basic Linux questions

Databug preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 15:38:00 2003

I have a pile up of un-answered queeries regarding Linux.
1. What is the point of a src.rpm=20
2. does it matter much if you get a rpm that isn't for your processor ie.=
 I   =20
have a i686 most madrake rpm's are for i586 and many other rpm's are for =
3. What other distro's RPM's can i safely install on Mandrake 9
4. What makes the diffrences in all the other distro's
5. I have done the font de-uglification thing and I'm using Arial with my=
But GTK apps still have ugly fonts. can I improve this.
6. How come most programs out there seem to be using the GTK interface ty=

So far that's it but no doubt I will remember more so I hope you don't mi=
nd me=20
asking :).
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