[Preston] I've lost my CD Drives !?!

Databug preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 10:08:01 2003

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 10:34 pm, dazzle68 wrote:
> You need to mount the CD rom (if you dont have automounter in /etc/fsta=
> "mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdreader" - if your CD rom is on second=
> IDE channel, as master.
> "mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0" - if your CD rom is a SCSI setup. It may
> actually be IDE but Linux can emulate SCSCI interface for IDE drives -
> useful for CD recording apps!!!
> Then, issue comman "ls /mnt/cdreader" to get the contents of the CD. Yo=
> cant just "/mnt/cdreader" - that means you are trying to execute the
> directory (in Linux speak) - you cant execute a directory in any O/S !!=

Ah I didn't know the command for list thanks for that. Though i did try t=
he cd=20
command for all the drives without success. CD is one of the few commands=

Today however the  problem has magically fixed itself. And I can once aga=
access my CD's. Is it normal for Linux to invent a problem and then repai=
itself sometime later? I tried rebooting and leaving it switched off for =
minute yester day but it still never fixed it. Still all's good now. Than=
for the reply.

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