[Preston] Samba daemons 'n' stuff

Guy Heatley preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jul 23 00:46:02 2003

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On Tuesday 15 July 2003 3:34 pm, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know if this helps but I've just been looking at your minutes on
> the web site, in particular the Samba stuff, and would like to suggest a
> couple of command line entries.
> 1. chkconfig is a good one, e.g.
> chkconfig --list
> chkconfig --list | grep whatever
> chkconfig smb on (turns on Samba for init levels 2 to 5)
> 2. service e.g.
> service smb start (this will also show you which services are started by
> Samba i.e. smb and nmb)
> 3. A tip (this works in command line mode as well)! If you double click a
> name to highlight it, it can be pasted by middle clicking the mouse (or
> clicking both mouse buttons if you emulate a 3 button mouse). I find this
> great when the names of files are long...
> 4. apropos is good if you can't remember the name of a command but can
> remember what it does.
> apropos samba | grep status
> Hope this helps(?)
> Brgs,
> Andy.
> PS In RH 9 it is very easy to use the RH tool to set up Samba shares. It
> also picked up my Windows printer -- all from a GUI!
> PPS Webmin / Usermin is pretty good and shows most options for services in
> a browser window. I'm going to stop now because I'm getting carried away
> ;-) ---

Cheers Andy, I'll update the minutes when I get a few erm, minutes.
- -- 

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