[Preston] forum

aorb84 at dsl.pipex.com aorb84 at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Nov 11 09:14:08 GMT 2003

Quoting Garry Taylor <TaylorG at southport-college.ac.uk>:

> :)
> I am also thinking of moving to SuSE (from Mandrake) because Novel own
> it.
> What is all this about, do we really expect to get an improvement in
> the product, or just a huge price hike?
> I now want to move to SuSE but apart from Novel I can't think why. Is
> anybody else thinking of doing this?
I have just moved from Mandrake to Suse mainly because I have just changed to a
laptop and MDK wouldn't run on it.(known problem on google, booting the kernel
-OK then freezes). I tried RH9 before Suse but found I didn't find my way around
as easily as Suse. It was just before the  Novell announcement so I can't claim
to be influenced by that. All in I am very happy with Suse. It only took a few
minutes to familiarise myself with it although I do miss URPMI :o) 

I did find it a pain that Suse don't publish ISOs for download, you have to do a
FTP install and currently having a frog modem I ended up messing around going
through my server when I really just wanted to connect directly. The other
choice is to find someone with Suse isos on a ftp server but they are few and
far between!(and of course this is slightly iffy as YAST is subject to
discussion as to the legality of distributing it).


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