[Preston] email problems

James Green jkg-plug at earth.li
Mon Dec 6 12:17:52 GMT 2004

On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 12:08:12PM +0000, John Craven wrote:

> mail    IN  A
> @       IN  MX  5 mail.nlvh.co.uk.
> mail1    IN  A
> @       IN  MX  10 mail1.nlvh.co.uk.

This will make mailers try to deliver to 'mail' first; if that fails,
they'll try to deliver to 'mail1'. 'mail1' needs to be configured to
*relay* for the domain in question rather than to have it as a local
domain, and will then hand messages on to 'mail' when it can.

Hope this helps,

jkg((-.+)?@(|the\.)earth.li|@(jimbo|wonky)\.org\.uk|03u at cs\.nott\.ac\.uk)
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