[Preston] Re: Graphics problem

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Sun Feb 1 13:19:33 GMT 2004

Granville Cousins wrote:

>Hello PLUG,
>I have installed Red Hat Linux 9.0 onto my computer. It is a good
>installation. I tried to change the graphics resolution from the one
>that was configured. When I accepted the change my computer rebooted
>but the screen was blank. The error message said that the grahpic
>resolution that I chose was not supported. As a result of this I can
>not see any display on my screen and therefore cannot boot onto the

Making the assumption that you are just getting random
lines or something (ie X is running, but your monitor cannot
handle it):

Hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and simultaneously press
one of the function keys from F1 to F2.

After a second or two you will be at a terminal login screen,
type root and enter, then the root (admin) password and

cd /etc/X11/ <enter>

ls you should see a file XF86Config-4, if not XF86Config

if this hasn't worked then

locate XF86Config <enter>

(If this gives an error message, then
updatedb <enter>
and try again

[the above in case RH has a different location for XF86Config]

Anyway, edit the file

vi XF86Config-4 <enter>

now move around the file with the hjkl or the
arrow keys till you find something like:

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen1"
        Device     "Videocard1"
        Monitor    "Monitor1"
        DefaultDepth     24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     24
                Modes    "800x600"

There will be more than "800x600" in modes.
(and for more than one colour depth - concentrate
on the depth given as default)
Press i to enter insert mode for vi, delete all
modes but "640x480" - this should be fine for you

press Esc


:wq <enter>

now tpye

exit <enter>

login under your user name


startx <enter>

Let us know what happens :-)

 - Richard

> I know that it is possible to adjust the grahics resolution
>from the command shell, but as I am a newbie to Linux, I am not
>familiar with the commands or the environment. Could you tell me how
>to change the resolution so that I can again boot into Linux and enjoy
>using my new installation of Red Hat 9.0.

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