[PRESTON] broadband and LInux]

Caroline pooshouse at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jan 16 17:16:15 GMT 2004

Thanks for the help, everyone.

I spoke to one of their techies today and I've been assured that all will 
be well. Apparently the USB connection won't work (I suspect they are 
covering their back here), but when the engineer comes out to install, he's 
likely to just use ethernet anyway, because I already have a network card 
in. The new policy of only doing USB installs seems to be so that they 
don't need to open the box! He also told me that all their modems should 
work fine, but I'm still hoping it's going to be  Surfboard SB4100, because 
I *know* there's no problem with them.

They're doing the install on Monday - I'll report back then!

Thanks again,

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