2.6 -- some things to be aware of (was Re: [Preston] Detection of Sound Cards)

Matthew T. Atkinson matthew at agrip.org.uk
Sun Jan 25 15:29:36 GMT 2004


Just thought I'd let you all know of something that may well catch you
out if you're going from 2.4 to 2.6.  As Andrew said, it is easy when
you know how -- and if you've not been told / found out about the
following, you could have problems.

There have been a number of changes in the module loading and
configuration area.  This e-mail tells you all (and also how to make
your HDD faster!):

[ You'll have to accept the certificate temporarily, but there is no
password. ]

I've not moved to 2.6 yet as I am fairly busy ATM and also my HDD is
still making weird sounds (in fact, it just made a hideous one then so
I'd better send this soon, hehe!).

Anyway, hope this helps those of you that are upgrading! :-)

Well, I'm hungry...

bye just now,

Matthew T. Atkinson <matthew at agrip.org.uk>

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