[Preston] Two points

Stephen stephenjohnson at ournetworkismadeofstring.co.uk
Sat May 21 01:17:46 BST 2005

Users are stupid give them a username longer than 5 characters and they cant
memorize it right it down with the password then stick it to there screen.  

-----Original Message-----
From: preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of bob 2p2
Sent: 21 May 2005 00:39
To: preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Preston] Two points

Two points arise fro the past weeks posts

1 - ECDL. As a technician in high school i can confirm that most ICT 
teaching staff have no idea about the difference between memory and hard 
disk space.

2 - (Without wanting to sound like a flame) The 'why would you want a 
username more than 32 characters long?' question is silly. IMHO one of the 
greatest things about linux is the fact that no matter how daft or obscure 
your application, Linux can be taylored(sp?) to fit.


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