[Preston] What is an Ethernet?

Chris Tompkins chris.tompkins at phonecoop.coop
Mon May 8 19:58:25 BST 2006

Dear All,

Periodically I get an urge to try to connect a Linux system to the 
internet.  So far these urges have ended in frustration. My requirements 
have become slightly more complex, I want to connect two Linux systems 
to one broadband connection.  I have been reliably informed that I 
should connect the machines to a router/modem using ethernet connections.

At or after the next Usergroup meeting, could someone give me a short 
tutorial on the theory and practice of the Ethernet and tell me what bit 
needs to be physically plugged into where.  (If its after the meeting I 
will provide adequate lubrication).

Please bear in mind that I'm not a complete idiot - I've never completed 
anything in my life.

Tours hopefully,


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