[Preston] A LUG needs a purpose

Olly Clark olly at ollyclark.org
Mon Jul 11 20:37:20 UTC 2016

Hi Mark,

Long time, no see, glad to here from you again, I would definitely be up 
for reviving Preston LUG.  Think the idea of having an informal meet up 
to discuss how proceed and in what direction as you have pointed out 
there needs to be a goal which helps capture the enthusiasm of it's members.


*Olly Clark

@ollyclarkdotorg <http://twitter.com/ollyclarkdotorg> on twitter 
http://status.ollyclark.net Status.net <http://status.net/> Instance

On 11/07/16 21:10, Mark Walton via Preston wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've spent some of the recent rainy weekends putting together an LTSP 
> server based on Linux Mint with XFCE.
> I got there by starting with Edubuntu 14.04, then my own build on 
> Ubuntu 16.04 and finally working through the forums to get Mint 17.3 
> to build.
> Now it's up and running it's ridiculously easy to host thin clients 
> (old Gigabyte Brix) from my equally old netbook. loaded with all the 
> common educational applications this would run any Primary school 
> classroom for KS2 and KS3.
> Since it was an educational distro that got me going on this I began 
> to wonder why the LUGs do not reach out to the local schools and offer 
> their help in establishing Linux as a viable classroom alternative; 
> given that distros like Mint are now so new-user friendly. It can only 
> be lack of exposure to Linux and fear of the unknown that holds back 
> Linux in the Edtech sector.
> This thought itself was a reflection on the time I spent briefly 
> keeping in touch with the Blackpool LUG last year, until they moved to 
> their new premises; they found a purpose in "makerspace" and all 
> things kinetic connected to Raspberry Pi's along with 3D Printers etc. 
> This has not only held their LUG together, but extended their appeal 
> by giving the group a puropse, rather than all sitting around with old 
> laptops and playing with the latest distro release's which was 
> becoming a little stale.
> Which gets me to the real point of my note...would anyone on this 
> mailing list like to refresh the Preston LUG, have a get-together, and 
> maybe discuss such options as working with the schools, or any other 
> ideas that would give us a "raison d'etre" to overcome this dormant state?
> Come on, I know you're out there...you keep buying all the Linux 
> Voice/User mags before I can get to them in Morrisons or Sainsbury's :)
> Mark Walton
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