[Preston] LUG Social - Saturday 30th July?

Billie Cowie billiecowie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 21:46:35 UTC 2016

Hi, I could make it on the Saturday but can't do evenings at all. No reason
why you can't establish them for the majority, though.
Could I suggest you consider both a weekday evening  weekly and possibly a
Saturday at Cafe Nero's once a month or fortnightly perhaps for people who
can't do evenings, other than occasionally?

On 20 July 2016 at 21:25, Mark Walton via Preston <
preston at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was hoping that with a bit more notice I could organize another Saturday
> afternoon social meet up, just to get people together and have a chat after
> such a long dormant period.
> If I suggested Sat 30th July, again in the back of Cafe Nero on
> Fishergate, from 2pm until 5pm, would people be able to sort out their
> diary for 10 days ahead?
> If there is anything like a half decent turnout, then we could pursue the
> idea of getting the use of a room at the University on a weekday evening,
> which may then work better for people with weekend commitments.
> Cheers
> Mark
> --
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