[SC.LUG] Wi-Fi

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Tue May 4 11:02:39 BST 2004

Ian Molton wrote:

>>>>Oh the subject of WiFi... does anyone have a recommendation of a WiFi 
>>>>NIC that works in linux and you can hook up to a Yagi attenna (requires 
>>>>N-type connector I believe)
>>>And if you do, I want to know too
>>Is the N-type the small screw fix one? Similar to the sky/cable coax 
>>connectors but smaller?
>similar in shape. they have actual contacts in them though and dont just use the wire core for the centre pin.

Not what you're looking for, but if anyone wants a router/AP
which runs an actively-supported distro, then this
looks quite interesting.

btw the product data sheet makes no mention of what type
of connector the external arial has,
but you could always make an adaptor.

- Richard

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