[SC.LUG] Fedora Core 4

Andy Roffe aroffe at its-linux.co.uk
Wed Jun 22 14:38:35 BST 2005


<shout>Richard... </shout>

Grab this man.. MythTV on FC4 is about as good a lecture subject as you are going to get
for a LUG meet.

John, I'm planning to do a myth box.. Are you up for swapping some experiences ?
I've got all the kit lying around.. But last time round I got stuck with frequency settings for the NOVA-T
Haven't found the time too look at it since.. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cockroft, John [mailto:John.Cockroft at GB.Unisys.com] 
> Sent: 22 June 2005 12:48
> To: David Holden; Jason Lucas; sc at mailman.lug.org.uk
> Subject: [SC.LUG] Fedora Core 4
> I have tried a few different distros and keep going back to 
> Fedora.  FC3 is great, very stable and with apt-get and 
> synaptic installed becomes as easy to upgrade and install 
> things as the Debian based distros such as Ubuntu and MEPIS.  
> I have been trying to get MythTV running under Linux and this 
> is hard work but do-able under Fedora whereas getting my 
> hardware supported OK is nigh on impossible under Ubuntu and MEPIS.
> FC4 is much better than FC3 in terms of modern hardware 
> support (support my Hauppauge Nova-T with the stock kernel - 
> that impressed me!) but getting apt-get and synaptic working 
> at the moment is a bit painful under FC4 (I ended up using 
> the FC3 apt-get from the DAG repository and compiling 
> synaptic from source from the same repository).  I guess that
> FC4 will become much better to use when the ATrpms, DAG, 
> CCRMA fully support apt-get and synaptic under FC4.
> John Cockroft.
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