[SC.LUG] Fedora Core 4

rob smith rob at rob-smith.co.uk
Wed Jun 22 19:55:36 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 12:48 +0100, Cockroft, John wrote:

> FC4 is much better than FC3 in terms of modern hardware support (support
> my Hauppauge Nova-T with the stock kernel - that impressed me!) but
> getting apt-get and synaptic working at the moment is a bit painful
> under FC4 (I ended up using the FC3 apt-get from the DAG repository and
> compiling synaptic from source from the same repository).  I guess that
> FC4 will become much better to use when the ATrpms, DAG, CCRMA fully
> support apt-get and synaptic under FC4.


Any reason for not using yum ?  It seems to have been modified in it's
operation since its FC3 implementation making it significantly quicker
than it used to be, and more informative about what its doing.  Most
noticeably that you are at least warned how large the update is going to
be -  a real boon for the busy or bandwidth restricted user.

XFCE has been dropped from FC4 as you will have noticed, but it's now
got gnome 2.10 which again is smoother and quicker than it's
predecessor.  I'm not sure where the other performance comes from, but
it appears to be generally quicker. It could be because FC4 is compiled
with gcc 4.0, or just the enhancements in gnome 2.10.

Depending on your intentions and memory capacity, FC4 does come Xen 2
ready. Not had time to tinker with this yet, but it's on my to-do list.

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