[SC.LUG] Re: Exciting news

Andrew Hutchings info at a-wing.co.uk
Fri Jan 27 10:43:29 GMT 2006

On Thursday 26 January 2006 21:24, richard at pineger.com wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I don't know what happened but if you search on Google for
> richard.pineger at kudos-idd.com (no longer a valid email address) then you'll
> find it in the sc-lug archives in a response to my original post. From that
> day forward I started getting spam - lots of it. Despite what others say
> about spam being inevitable. It is possible (with a little luck) to have
> email addresses over a period of years and never get spam.
> Anyway, I've checked out this thread on the SC-LUG archives and the email
> addresses are indeed masked.
> Regards,
> Richard

Unfortunately I know of scripts that can get round masks, I can't remember how 
good mailman's mask is off the top of my head but I'm sure its just a 
symbol->word replacer.
I still get spam for the previous head of NWLUG, and I took over 3 years ago.  
I do have a few private addresses that don't get spam though.  If I am ever 
signing up for something that might get spam on I change the name before that 
@ in my address so I can trace it back to where they got my address.  You 
find some interesting things out about some companies that way.
I now hide NWLUG's archives for subscribed users only which will hopefully 
reduce spam on some of its users in the future.


Andrew Hutchings (A-Wing) - Linux Guru
Linux CDs and DVDs - http://www.linuxiso.co.uk/
Linux quote 30/232: "A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer is to computing 
what a McDonalds Certified Food Specialist is to fine cuisine" - 
Slashdot .sig
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