[SC.LUG] [Fwd: Re: next meeting]

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Wed Jun 7 08:30:00 BST 2006

For those wondering why their mail didn't go to the list.

The list recently stopped over-writing reply-to, this means that
you have to Reply-to the list (l in mutt, rt-click l in evolution),
or do Reply-all.
This may catch many people out as a lot of lists behave like this,
and sc.lug has spent six years with that broken format :-/

Anyone wishing to debate Rply-to and list behaviour, please start
a new thread ;-)

 - Richard

PS JAson, I've forwarded your mail below :)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Jason Lucas <jason.lucas7 at ntlworld.com>
To: Richard Smedley <richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com>
Subject: Re: next meeting
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 04:15:35 +0100
On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 22:28 +0100, Richard Smedley wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 04:06 +0100, Jason Lucas wrote:
> > How much were we paying for that venue? - There are plenty of places
> > around Macclesfield for hire- name a price and I'll find a venue.
> The venue was free - as meeting numbers can be anywhere
> between two and twenty it's best that there's no cost to
> divide between attendees. ;-)

Yes, sometimes I'll trade the free beer for a free venue :-)
Sometime back Rob M mentioned that his local church may be able to offer
a free venue. 
Rob, can you come back on that one?



Richard Smedley,                                                  RichardS at bvsc.org
Free Software Evangelist,
Midland Open Source Technology.                             http://www.most.org.uk/
                                       ``Software Freedom for the Voluntary Sector''

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