[SC.LUG] Transferring to linux - and File Managers

Russ Phillips russ at phillipsuk.org
Wed Oct 10 13:47:55 BST 2007

On Wed, October 10, 2007 12:03 pm, Matthew Tolley wrote:

> I am on normal headers in Thunderbird, but there's still more header
> than there is message text for some reason. It tells me practically
> every server and IP address that the message has passed through on its
> way to me, which I don't actually want to know and just creates clutter
> on my screen. I'll do a seach for 'terse headers' to see if I can find
> that.

That does sound like View->Headers is set to "All", but either way, there
should be a [-] in the top-left of the headers - clicking that will reduce
it to a single line.

> I asked about executable files because I want to set certain programs
> to start up at every session and I don't know what command to use.
> In
> MS it's a case of finding the program directory inside which is the
> executable file required. I shall have a look in /bin and hopefully
> find what I'm after there.

If you want to know the location of a specific executable, and you don't
mind using a command line, you could use the whereis command, eg:

$ whereis ls
ls: /bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1p/ls.1p.gz

On this machine, the executable is at /bin/ls, the other two are man files.

> Incidentally, what file managers do people like? I'm not sure if Ubuntu
> defaults to Nautilus or Thunar, but I'm considering alternatives that
> are easy to use and good-looking, with speed of searching being a
> lesser consideration also.

I tend to use Nautilus, mainly because that's what Gnome defaults to, but
when I'm on XFCE I use Thunar, again because that's the default. I don't
think there's a great deal to choose between them, although Nautilus'
scripts feature can be very handy.


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