[SLUG] Graphic design quick guess at standard
john at johnallsopp.co.uk
john at johnallsopp.co.uk
Sat Oct 22 12:47:41 BST 2005
Hi ppl
I'm running out of spare time to input into the development of a
graphic design standard for SLUG, so what I'm going to propose is
A logo is attached.
Given this, I propose that I set up a quick standard for us all to
use, and then I'll work on it further over time, incorporating any
suggestions from the floor, so here goes:
The logo goes top left of any document, according to the grid rules
For text, we use Helvetica for titles and Utopia for main body text.
All text is in multiples of 6pts, so 6 for copyright notices and small
print, 12 for normal copy, 18 for subheads, 24 for the main headline,
On an A4 sheet, nothing except the logo appears above a 3cm margin.
There's then a 6cm margin at the bottom, and for a single sheet a 4cm
margin to the left, and a 2cm on the right (these latter two are
reversed for right hand pages in a book).
On an A4 sheet, what's left is a 15cm wide area for text. For the
purposes of photograph positioning (not text, which flows the full
length), this is divided into three columns of 5cm each. Any
photograph or illustration may therefore be 5cm, 10cm or 15cm wide,
and a whole number of lines deep and should be aligned with any of
those columns.
I haven't even tried this yet, but I'm rather hoping the SLUG logo
will then fit, 5cm wide, above the first column and within the top 3cm
margin and let's say 1cm from the absolute top of the sheet. Sounds
unlikely, but I'll come to that when I do my first handout.
So that's the rough idea, let's see how it looks when we actually do
one. If I set up a stylesheet (or whatever Open Office provides)
obviously we can start to share.
Of course, the same rules apply, proportionally, to different sheet
sizes, so an A5 sheet would be proportionally half the size.
At some point soon I'll summarise again and we'll need to actually
start producing text for the library display.
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