[SLUG] Web Publishing
Stephen O'Neill
soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 25 09:23:43 BST 2005
Hi all,
Apologies for those of you that have been asking me to put things on the
website for them. I'm not particularly organised so my efforts are
presently being focussed on creating member logins and a content
management system which we all have a hand in.
I've made my first sorties into PHP 5, loved every minute. So a journey
which I expect to be complete by Christmas has begun.
By the end of it I aim to have provided us with the following:
1) Individual logins
2) When logged in you will be able to:
a) Manage your own profile: name, asl, upload a screenshot of your
desktop, a photo of you and an ad-lib section allowing HTML for you to
verbose about how wonderful you are.
b) Say whether you want your profile to appear on the homepage, and
which bits of it (in case you're protective of your age).
c) Write tutorials/news items. Each will have a couple of text
fields, but also you will be able to upload file(s).
d) Submit links to external sites
e) Manage a calendar of events. I've not really spec'd this yet. But
I want to have a databased calendar of events. How we display this I've
not quite decided - we probably don't have enough to put a calendar on
the side of the page, but it will make life easier for doing an events page.
3) All this will depend on your permissions. To start with you will all
be able to 'propose for publication'; a closed group will have the
ability to actually publish - and they'll be the ones that make stuff
appear on the site.
4) The events/news/meetings etc will be RSS'd (for my benefit mainly :P ).
Any RFEs would be gratefully received now, though some that are too
ambitious will probably go onto a wish list for when the bulk is done.
Finally, I'm no graphic designer. I'm going to be as tidy as I can be,
but it may need someone with more graphical ability to come in.
I've got a code reviewer lined up, but if anyone else enjoys reading
through PHP then they'd be welcome - when I've finished!
Steve O
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