[sclug] Evolution version 2 adverse comments?

Bob Franklin r.c.franklin at reading.ac.uk
Wed Nov 17 11:33:36 UTC 2004

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, Alex Butcher wrote:

> I use PINE at home (I should probably migrate to mutt eventually) and 
> Mulberry (proprietary, commercial) at work.

I'm still using PINE (4.61) and have considering moving to something a bit 
more GUI and little less modal (Thunderbird would probably be a choice; 
I use the same client under Windows / Mac OS X / Linux / Solaris).

However, one feature I have with PINE that I've not seen anywhere else is 
the ability to store the configuration in an IMAP folder; I can have the 
configuration, addressbook, signatures, filtering rules, etc. in an IMAP 
folder and get the same environment wherever I run the client from (and, 
if I change something on my work PC [like a highlighting rule or add 
someone to the addressbook], when I go home, it is picked up).

Does anyone know another client which does this?  I have considered 
wrapping up getting/putting the configuration file via some IMAP 
utilities, but it all seems a faff.

   - Bob

  Bob Franklin <r.c.franklin at reading.ac.uk>          +44 (0)118 378 7147
  Systems and Communications, IT Services, The University of Reading, UK

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