[sclug] Gentoo...

Matt matt at bodgit-n-scarper.com
Sun Nov 28 14:21:36 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 13:53, Dickon Hood wrote:
> The kernel is the one thing I don't agree with using precompiled
> distribution versions of.  IME Redhat in particular are bad at applying
> patches which aren't in the stable trees, notionally to fix bugs, but
> often to add features.

The lack of new features in updates is intentional for the
Enterprise-biased distributions. Sure it's a PITA when you're the wrong
side of the new feature, but I'm glad I don't get bitten with new
functionality every time I update the kernel on hardware that I want to

> 'Gentoo users' computers don't run slowly because they're running
> unoptimised software.  Gentoo users' computers run slowly because they're
> constantly recompiling everything.' -- I forget who said that.

"Just because you see compiler output flying up the screen, Gentoo users
mistakenly feel they're somehow contributing to open source more." --


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