[sclug] Gentoo...

Tom Chance lists at tomchance.org.uk
Sun Nov 28 14:28:47 UTC 2004

On Sunday 28 Nov 2004 11:34, Hamlesh Motah wrote:
> It seems that most distros fly under my radar, personally I only seem to
> pay attention to Slack and BSD.
> Anyway, my question is simple, why has there been so much hype over
> Gentoo recently?

Why so much hype? Because Gentoo delivers something different to binary 
distros and Linux From Scratch; it delivers it well, with a large repository 
of "packages" and some solid package management tools; it has the best 
community support forum and IRC channel; it has some excellent documentation.

And, of course, because its key difference - compiling from source - attracts 
every vocal troll who wants to pretend their machine is that little bit more 
hardcore and optimised than everyon else's ;-)

For the rest of us Gentoo users, a simple, stable distro that keeps out of 
your way is enough reward.


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