[sclug] Embedded Debian

David Given dg at cowlark.com
Mon Nov 29 11:10:21 UTC 2004

On Monday 29 November 2004 08:48, Chris Aitken wrote:
> > Does anyone know how I can put together a *really minimal*
> > system --- we're talking ash & busybox minimal --- from a set
> > of Debian packages? Is there a list somewhere of the absolute
> > minimal subset of Debian packages you need to get a system that runs?
> Have you subscribed to the emDebian list? When I was looking at embedded
> routers it came in very handy. It might also be worth looking at how these
> embedded routers run, as the setup is probably similar.

I had a brief look at emDebian a while back, but I couldn't find any actual 
*information* on their website... looking at it again, it seems to be 
actually getting somewhere. I'll give it a try. emdebsys seems to be exactly 
what I'm looking for. Now if it'll only work...
+- David Given --McQ-+ "Opportunity is missed by most people because it's
|  dg at cowlark.com    | dressed in overalls and looks like work." ---
| (dg at tao-group.com) | Thomas Edison
+- www.cowlark.com --+ 

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