[sclug] Linux Day + other plans

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Tue Oct 12 11:58:01 UTC 2004

Just wanted to say thanks to those that organised this and also to those
that came along.

It was interesting to see different people there than come along to the
pub meets.  Speaking of which hopefully some of you will come along
tomorrow to the Back of Beyond for 7:30/8pm ish onwards (the website has

There were a few good ideas that came out of it that I think I should
air here:
	- some people were asking about repeating the day in a similar
	  format i.e. people bring along computers/laptops and get help
	  either installing from scratch or with the odd problem or two
	  that they have.

	- some others were talking about how the audience differed
	  between a pub meet and a non-pub meet and that perhaps some
	  sort of short talk to broaden people's knowledge would be
	  Not necessarily always about linux to be honest but also about
	  other interesting bits and bobs.  For instance I spoke with
	  Martin Hosken about his work with fonts for minority dialects
	  (about fonts, pango, where his work fits etc) and it was
	  really interesting but something I hadn't heard about before.
	  This could be combined with the other Reading computer
	  thingie.  Is it called RUG?

So maybe if we can steal the venue again we could get something like
that happening or even alternate non-pub meetings a few short (say 20
minute) talks on various subjects and then a "linux day" style event.
Maybe do one talks event in a couple of months, then a linux day style
thing a couple of months later etc?

I was impressed someone had found us via Linux Format so I guess the
fact it was tied into an official event helped and that other meetings
would need similar publicity.

I guess other things that might help are a little bit more structure in
terms of who is there to help, and who is looking for help.  Badges
perhaps?  Even if they're bits of paper or whatever they might help
people that come in to break the ice and ask their questions.

Also getting some business cards printed up with the website address on
and the mailing list subscribe form URL so you can give them a card and
tell them to get on the list perhaps?  I think vistaprint.co.uk do
free/cheap business cards (for some advertising space on the back which
obviously works cos here I am recommending them ;)).

Just some random ideas.  They need people on the list (YES THAT'S YOU)
to pipe up and say "Yes, that's a great idea" "No that's poo" (well
preferably more than just that but hey ;))

I should be around a bit more now than I was before the Linux Day so I
should be able to help organise some of this.

_|   "I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes -    |_
 |                 just in case" -- Mrs. Potato Head.                 |
 `- http://www.earth.li/~huggie/ - http://www.blackcatnetworks.co.uk/ -'

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