Threading/followups Re: [sclug] Mail choices

Matt matt at
Fri Jan 20 00:34:58 UTC 2006

* John Stumbles <john at> [2006-01-19 23:53:52]:
> Being the sort of anal person who keeps practically all my email (since 
> you never know when it'll come in handy to look up, say, recycling 
> policies in Wokingham :-)) it's a bit of a pain when a new thread gets 
> grafted onto the deeper branches[1] of an existing thread because it got 
> started as a reply to an existing message instead of as a fresh message.

Yes, it's called thread hijacking and for anyone who uses a threaded
MUA, bloody irritating.

Changing the subject isn't enough, check your headers to see all of the
normally hidden references to previous messages.

99% of the cause is not setting an address book entry up IMHO, it's
easier to just click a previous mail, scrub the subject and go from
there. Except it isn't...

"The theory of Space and Time is a cultural artefact made possible by
the invention of graph paper."
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