Threading/followups Re: [sclug] Mail choices

Matt matt at
Fri Jan 20 10:17:04 UTC 2006

* Neil Owens <neil_o at> [2006-01-20 00:56:44]:
> What - worse than top posting, or dare I say, it HTML mail?

They're all irritating in their own way. You can keep doing whatever you
feel like, but eventually people might decide to take steps to not have
to deal with mail like that, which only results in a smaller audience of
people who might be willing to help and respond to your questions.

> Sorry guys and I won't post here again.

If you're going to be that fragile about it, fair enough. Everybody gets
a bitchslapping from time to time, myself included, the trick is to just
learn from it if you want to, and get on with life.

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