Threading/followups Re: [sclug] Mail choices

John Stumbles john at
Fri Jan 20 15:08:51 UTC 2006

Matt wrote:
> * Neil Owens <neil_o at> [2006-01-20 00:56:44]:
>>What - worse than top posting, or dare I say, it HTML mail?
> They're all irritating in their own way. You can keep doing whatever you
> feel like, but eventually people might decide to take steps to not have
> to deal with mail like that, which only results in a smaller audience of
> people who might be willing to help and respond to your questions.
>>Sorry guys and I won't post here again.
> If you're going to be that fragile about it, fair enough. Everybody gets
> a bitchslapping from time to time, myself included, the trick is to just
> learn from it if you want to, and get on with life.

In my own post on the subject I was trying not to give anyone a 
bitchslapping[1] but just to point out that replying to an existing 
message whilst deleting the subject and body isn't the same as 
originating a new message (edukashunal like, which seems appropriate for 
this list)

[1] far less to call it that, which I'd fully expect to earn me a, er, 
BS-ing from feminists and/or animal rights activists (not to mention 
female animal rights activists)

John Stumbles

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