[sclug] PC Recycling Event

Phillip Chandler phillip.chandler at ntlworld.com
Sat May 31 11:25:23 UTC 2008

Hi Everyone.

I recently had three old PC's from John Stumbles, one of which was made
up from parts from the other two, etc. And then was donated to the local
school two doors away from myself, installed with Ubuntu and the KDE
games, plus the Education programs like klatin etc.

The school greatly appreciated this, especially as I said Id go in
regularly after school and sort out the updates etc, and give some basic
support to one of the teachers.

I wanted to chat you all up. If you have any working PC's that your
about to chuck out, please chuck them my way. PC's would be with
motherboards and PSU's that boot, if theres no HDD's or memory then
thats OK as I have spare. But if there is spare memory or HDD's all the

Id like to donate these to either local schools or charities. This would
be promoted under the SLUG group, great publicity for the group and
recycling. Plus Id be doing all the collecting, building & free support
untill the school(s) or Charitie(s) get used to the OS.


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