[Scottish] Committee element?

Paul Miller paulm at ntlworld.com
Sun Dec 21 22:40:03 GMT 2003

ptb wrote:
> Hallo all : -
> Time for another lead balloon, since
> http://websurf.nao.rl.ac.uk/ would lead you to tomorrow 22nd
> giving us the winter solstice at 0704 UTC.
hough, so if the world of
> Linux and LUGs in UK or their equivalents abroad does without
> committees or suchlike organizational forms that's good enough
> for me anyway.
> My proposal is that an interim group of volunteers (?say the
> first five who joined SLUG if willing to serve, along with,
> similarly, the most recent ten to sign up?


Ok, a lurker (tho' I made it to one meeting!!!).

But I have been following this thread and the ones leading to it.  And I 
am a political user of Linux (IOW, my children's games won't go on 
anything but *doze so I adopt a pragmatic attitude).

But: yes.

FFS guys, it is a cool club, yeah.  But not everyone can go on the piss 
once a month and give / contribute anything meaningful to SLUG - not 
really.  Don't expect this.  You are - by default - excluding a useful 

If you want to *make a difference* then you have to get in the groove.

And, if you are to meaningfully change or influence the Scottish Exec's 
opinion (or even that of local business or consumers) then you are going 
to *have* to have a more formal structure.

I mean, it is cool if you do not want this - and the formally named " 
*SCOTTISH* Linux User Group" may not -  but as a title which is 
suggestive of authority and / or probity then you may wish to rethink 
your role or name!

Stop fu**ing around - you clearly have much talent and enthusiasm and 
even potential to influence in this group of geeks. ;)

Elect a secretary, chairperson and committee - agree a constitution - 
and get on with changing the country for the better.

Oor weans *need* free software.  It is your responsibility to ensure it 
is there for them.

Dr Paul Mll*e*r
Crownpoint Medical Practice

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