[Scottish] Connecting to BT through surftime

Robert (Rob) M. Schneider scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 2 07:30:01 2003

grburns wrote:

>Have connected modem and checked log - connection fails at password
>authentication - I've asked BT about connection through Linux but they were
>not very helplful
>George Burns
>Scottish mailing list

Connecting to BT Surftime with a Linux box works fine.  I used it for 
years, but am now on Telewest Broadband.  Yes, you won't get assistance 
from BT as they don't spend the money to provide staff with Linux 
knowledge or experience, or provide documented guidance on their web 
site.  Whether or not that's the "right" answer for BT and their 
customers is moot.

I would recommend you use the program wvdial. It will greatly simplify 
setup, and provide you the ability to debug configuration settings for 
any problems that arise.  It may already be installed on your Linux box, 
if not, easily found via Google.