[Scottish] Good ISP for ADSL business and hosting?

Tam McLaughlin scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 30 15:03:01 2003

Hi slug :-)=20

Our company has gone through some major restructuring recently which has=20
resulted in us having to scale down and cut costs on our Internet access =
web site.=20

Currently we access the Internet using a 128Kb/s leased line via 1 ISP an=
use another 2 ISPs for web hosting and domain name hosting.
I am trying to consolidate all of this under the one ISP and redesign the=
site now that it is under the control of IT and not marketing.=20

What I require is an ISP that can=20

1) provide  2Mb/s ADSL connection
2) web hosting - small, low access site with php/perl
3) domain transfers
4) smtp delivery=20

I have looked at a number of ISPs including ones suggested on this mailin=
list and from the guide at www.adslguide.org.uk but the only one that mee=
all the criteria at a reasonable cost is force9.net (plus.net).
I use force9.net for my home account without any problems and they offer =
much for a reasonable cost:

 2 Mb/s ADSL =A3110/month
 Fax-2-e-mail, a unique fax number allowing you to receive faxes as e-mai=
 CGI, MySQL, PHP, Perl shell, FP2k
 500MB Web space + Web-based Database Admin
 Displays detailed graphical statistics about your Web site
 uncensored newsfeed=20
 No NAT=20

 If anyone can recommend another ISP that can provide the same functional=
ity  =20
 at a reasonable cost then I would be grateful. Force9.net may be good fo=
r =20
 home use but not for business.=20

Tam McLaughlin
IT Systems Administrator
Scottish Legal Life Assurance Society Ltd