[Scottish] [OT] Anyone got.......

William Anderson scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Mar 28 14:41:01 2003

Ben Thorp wrote:
> ...some advice, or some hardware for sale?
> Looking at buying a _cheap_ Palm - can stretch to a Zire (£80), but not
> much more than that. However, the Zire is only 2Mb, whereas methinks 8Mb
> would be preferable. Looked also at the Sony Clie PEG-SL10, but they seem
> quite hard to get hold of now. Other options would be a Handspring Visor,
> or a Palm M10, if I can find one cheap enough.
> So - does anyone have any preferences/suggestions on which to get, where
> to buy, or (better still) is anyone looking to sell some such gadget for
> a good price?

I just bought myself a Dell Axim a couple of weeks ago, and subsequently am
thinking of selling both my Palm Vx and Sony Clie PEG-N770C - I've yet to
settle on a price :)  The Vx has been "well-used" and has taken a few dings
and scratches, but still works perfectly - the Clie is in good condition and
again works perfectly.

_ __/|   ___  ___ __ _________ "When Microsoft Office is your only hammer,
\`O_o'  / _ \/ -_) // / __/ _ \ pretty much everything begins to look like
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   U - Ack! Phttpt! Thhbbt!     neuro at well dot com  http://neuro.me.uk/